Wednesday, February 18, 2009

old school photos

I put up some of my favorite old hip hop photos from before I made Wild Style


  1. Thanks for the flicks and maintaining the foundation of Hip Hop.

  2. Mr. Ahearn,

    My name is Nigel Clarke. I'm a writer who lives in New York City.

    I would like to know if I can talk to you about a project that I have. I could use your help.

    I'm self published and I have written a martial arts, graff movie.

    Don't worry... this was two years ago, when I started and I JUST saw "The Deadly Art of Survival" this week, when I ordered it. So much of your movie influnced other movies.

    In any event... I've done some graff journalism here in NYC. I would appreciate if you would get back to me.

  3. Mr Ahearn, I have blogged about your Flickr set after being completely blown away by your photos... incredible insight.

    Anyway, hear is the link to the post. I thought I best check that you are happy with me using a shot and the way in which I've described your work.

    All the best and thank you for allowing us the chance to learn about HH's early days! I was only just being born then and am still trying so hard to fill these monster gaps in my record collection as a result of being too young at the time!
